Its was now standard for Sony to drop a number of
flagship SmartPhones at a go, as we already know that two were released in 2017,
suffice to say that Sony released not 2 but 3 Mobiles in 2018 as part of the Xperia XZ2 series of devices, the three
handsets unleashed were the Xperia XZ2, XZ2 Compact that were announced in
February 2018, and then over a month later, the XZ2 Premium came out in April.
Sony Xperia XZ2
Released 2018, April
Sony has not stood still in terms of
new designs in innovation, ergonomics and aesthetics. Sony made a big move with the Xperia XZ2 series,
that move was a change in the design, feel and look for Sony featuring thinner
bezels than their predecessors the XZ1s, more or less taking their cue from
other Mobile manufacturers, they decided to curve them up quite a bit at the
edges and corners. In a nut shell less square and boxy like the previous Smartphones.
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