Characteristics: - Constant engagement with social media. - Regular, but not excessive, streaming of music and videos. - Heavy use of communication apps. - Average Daily Usage: 3-4 hours.
12 months
O2 Sim Only Heavy User
Roam, no extra cost 75 destinations, including the EU,USA, Australia and Mexico.
Choose 6 months of Disney+ Standard, Amazon Prime, or more
so an unlimited call minutes, voice-mail access and texts a month is simply what is needed for heavy users.
Heavy Light User
Characteristics: - Constant engagement with social media. - Regular, but not excessive, streaming of music and videos. - Heavy use of communication apps. - Average Daily Usage: 3-4 hours.
Choose 3 months of Disney+ Standard, Amazon Prime, or more
Think of a medium mobile phone user on steroids that's what a heavy
mobile phone user is they are constantly on the phone for one reason or
the other.
In addition, heavy mobile phone users rely on their mobile
for social communication and need their phone for internet access
several hours daily.
Heavy Medium User
Characteristics: - Heavy engagement with multiple apps (social media, streaming, gaming). - Regular consumption of long videos or live streams. - Regular use of productivity apps for work or hobbies. - Average Daily Usage: 4-5 hours.
Choose 3 months of Disney+ Standard, Amazon Prime, or more
Using internet Applications and features to answer
their burning questions several times daily, heavy users love the latest
technology and features....
...most heavy users use top premium flagship mobiles, the very best mobile manufacturers have to offer...
Heavy Medium User
Characteristics: - Heavy engagement with multiple apps (social media, streaming, gaming). - Regular consumption of long videos or live streams. - Regular use of productivity apps for work or hobbies. - Average Daily Usage: 4-5 hours.
12 month
O2 Sim Only Heavy User
Roam, no extra cost 75 destinations, including the EU,USA, Australia and Mexico.
Choose 6 months of Disney+ Standard, Amazon Prime, or more
O2 Sim Only Heavy User
....that support the way they use a phone, and are happy to take web browsing on the road
and don't mind paying for the privilege of being able to surf anywhere anytime, they demand total freedom of usage, unlimited packages are made for these type of users.
Heavy Heavy User
Characteristics: - Nearly constant use of phone, heavy across various types of content. - Extensive streaming and downloading of content. - Uses phone for professional and personal tasks extensively. - High engagement with gaming and VR/AR apps. - Average Daily Usage: 5+ hours.
Choose 3 months of Disney+ Standard, Amazon Prime, or more
O2 Sim Only Heavy User, internet access, Data, how many megabytes?
users have several applications and features that you use
regularly most probably running at the same time........
Heavy Heavy User
Characteristics: - Nearly constant use of phone, heavy across various types of content. - Extensive streaming and downloading of content. - Uses phone for professional and personal tasks extensively. - High engagement with gaming and VR/AR apps. - Average Daily Usage: 5+ hours.
24 month
O2 Sim Only Heavy User
Roam, no extra cost 75 destinations, including the EU,USA, Australia and Mexico.
Choose 6 months of Disney+ Standard, Amazon Prime, or more
Mmmmmmm...Very tasty. Heavy mobile users eat-up
some and a lot of data, in the Gigabytes.
...........which eats-up
some and a lot of data. A heavy mobile phone user stream or download media fairly often, we recommend a data allowance of around 100 Gigabytes or more of data each month.
Heavy Heavy User
Characteristics: - Nearly constant use of phone, heavy across various types of content. - Extensive streaming and downloading of content. - Uses phone for professional and personal tasks extensively. - High engagement with gaming and VR/AR apps. - Average Daily Usage: 5+ hours.
Choose 3 months of Disney+ Standard, Amazon Prime, or more
Finally they are the most likely to download and play 3D games such ASSASSINS CREED or FIFA and different entertainment apps.
Heavy Heavy User
Characteristics: - Nearly constant use of phone, heavy across various types of content. - Extensive streaming and downloading of content. - Uses phone for professional and personal tasks extensively. - High engagement with gaming and VR/AR apps. - Average Daily Usage: 5+ hours.
Hard getting credit? If that's the case it may be hard getting medium sim only contracts that's over one month, but
if its a 1 month/30day like the ones above and below, then no credit
check needed,you also get the flexible benefit of rolling it from month
to month.........if thats what you decide :)
Advantages of SIM only contracts
Changing network provider is easy, with SIM only contracts you’re not chained into long contracts in case of problems with reception and coverage.
Always usually there's more talk-time minutes with more texts than a mobile phone contract or pay-as-you-go package.
Unlike PAYG were you use some time topping up, you don’t have to do that with SIM only-contracts.
As there is no phone included in the package calls, texts and other phone services cost much less.
Accessing social network sites are sometimes included in the monthly fee, some include extras and incentives such as Netflix, Sky, Spotify for the first 6 months free.
Mobile-Phone and network companies want to entice new and hold-on to their customers
for as long as possible, so to make you sign up to
longer contracts, they offer very nice incentives so often, they offer "free" gifts which is good.
Disadvantages of SIM-only contracts.
Wow only two.......
you provide the phone.
you'll need to unlock the phone if changing networks.
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