When it comes to 3 Sim Only Mobile Phone users, they always fall into three groups.
Click on the links below to find out which one your really are.
Light Sim Only Contracts - are for Light Mobile Phone Users that just
use it for essentials only
for occasional calls
for emergency reasons
for safety purposes.
need 50 talk-time minutes
less than 50 texts a month.
Most Light mobile phone users use basic or simple mobiles. Need mobiles not to be a big part of their life's, most have long amazing standby of up to 35 days, just need the sim to sit and wait, but yet for slight casual use.
Send occasional email via provider such as Hotmail or Yahoo!
Browse the internet now and again.
Estimated 3 Gegabytes
more or less of data/month,
keeping up with interesting news and friends. every so often
This type have a mobile
phone simply because others need them to have it.
Some Simple WiFi capable phones provide free internet access via broadband.
Some Simple WiFi capable phones provide free internet access, saving
megabyte allowances on SIM only contracts using broadband at home or
work as well as free public WiFi hot spots when out n about.
Of-course, There are different SIM-only contracts for all sorts of 3 Sim Only users with different communication needs, as Light mobile phone users use different amounts of Talk-time, Data and Text every month, for instance the tariff below has been tailor made for a light user who loves to text a lot more than anything else, However SIM only contracts for light users, such as the ones below shows us different users with different mobile lifestyles, which are you?
Do get a plan where you don't go over your monthly allowances, one that allows you to stay under your allowances,
The best tariff is one that mirrors your typical mobile
usage. this balance saves you money every-month.
Its this balance every mobile user needs to aim for. Be a Happy Mobile phone user :)
Most of the time you there's more talk-time minutes with more texts than a mobile phone contract or pay-as-you-go package.
You never top up with SIM only-contracts. Unlike PAYG were you use some time topping up.
Texts and other phone services cost much less, As there is no phone included in the package calls.
social network sites are sometimes included in the monthly fee, some
include extras and incentives such as Netflix, Sky, Spotify for the
first 6 months free.
Network mobile companies need to attract new and hold-on to their customers
for as long as possible, so to make you sign up to
longer contracts, they offer very nice incentives so often, they offer "free" gifts which is good.
...Our Choices are
researched Choices chosen from
researched Options.......
estimates around ten million contract mobile customers are routinely overpaying for
their mobile phones, the reason? they are paying for services they never use. In the past year phone plans have changed more than in the previous five.
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